Foreign Minister attended opening of the exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages

22 December, 2015

On December 22, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, participated in the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, held at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).

Rector of MGIMO, Academician Anatoli Torkunov, Professors of the Institute, alumni and students were among the attendees of the event.

In his remarks Edward Nalbandian mentioned, “It is symbolic that the 3rd International Forum of Alumni of the MGIMO in Yerevan was held under the motto of 200th anniversary of Lazarev Institute and numerous events dedicated to it were organized, including themed sessions of the International Forum, book presentation devoted to the anniversary, cancellation of the post stamp issued on that occasion, photo exhibition. It was at that point when an idea came up to present the exhibition at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and I am glad that today we translated it to life.
It is a great honour for me as an Arabist, Orientalist, MGIMO alumnus and Minister of Foreign Affairs, together with you to attend the opening of this exhibition. History of Lazarev Institute is one of the vivid pages of the history of Armenia and Russia. It is one of the most important pages of Moscow’s Oriental Studies School and MGIMO history.

In fact, Lazarev Institute in Russia became the first specialized cradle in Russia in training of diplomats and at the same time became an Armenian cultural center. Numerous prominent figures studied here, representatives of Armenian, Russian and other nations among them. Such great figures were linked to Lazarev Institute as Pushkin, Lermontov, Griboedov, Ayvazovsky, Turgenev and others. Lazerev Institute’s mission was, probably, best presented by famous Russian Historian Sergei Glinka, who described it as a cradle, bridging souls and minds”.

In his remarks, Rector of MGIMO, Academician Anatoli Torkunov touched upon the rich academic and literary heritage, mentioning:

“A unique library was created in the Institute, compiling thousands of volumes of rare publication, unique manuscripts, small part of which is preserved in MGIMO library. Nevertheless, the literary heritage of Lazarev Institute is a gem of our Institute’s library. Due to Lazarev Institute manuscripts dated by even 18th century are available to us”.

Afterwards, Edward Nalbandian toured the exhibition, got acquainted with exhibits of Lazarev Institute’s library at rare books section of MGIMO’s library.

Photos of the Lazarev family, those on their activity, as well as documents on founding and management of Lazarev Institute were presented at the exhibition.

Information on construction of Lazarev Institute; unique samples of the works published by the Institute, photos of students, alumni, professors, as well as the certificates and awards granted to them had their special place among the exhibits.

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