Edward Nalbandian pays an official visit to Bulgaria

15 January, 2016

On January 15, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian started an official visit to Bulgaria.

From the airport Foreign Minister Nalbandian headed to the Presidential Palace of Bulgaria, where he was received by the President Rosen Plevneliev.

Welcoming the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, the President of Bulgaria mentioned that Bulgarian and Armenian peoples are tied with historical friendly similarities, and Sofia is interested in the further development of bilateral cooperation. President Plevneliev stressed that Bulgaria is proud of its fellow Armenians, who made considerable input in the prosperity of the country and today continue to play an important role in public, economic and cultural life of Bulgaria.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Minister Nalbandian conveyed to President Plevneliev the greetings and good wishes of Serzh Sargsyan, President of Armenia.

During the conversation, both sides highlighted their readiness to give a new impetus to the Armenian-Bulgarian relations towards the intensification of political dialogue, expansion of legal framework and development of trade and economic cooperation. As prospective areas of cooperation they outlined high technologies, agriculture, renewable energy and tourism.

Bulgarian President presented the country’s European policy, reforms being undertaken towards the economic development of the country.

President Plevneliev and Minister Nalbandian exchanged views on a range of international and regional issues and ways to resolve them.

In this context, Minister Nalbandian presented efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Bulgarian President stressed the support of his country to the Co-Chairs’ activity, outlining that issue should be settled exclusively through peaceful means. “I believe that peace depends on the observation of rules and international agreements by all sides. The use of weapons is just proof of a lack of arguments”, stressed the President of Bulgaria.

Afterwards, Edward Nalbandian was hosted in the National Assembly of Bulgaria, where he had a meeting with Tsetska Tsacheva, Speaker of the Parliament.

Foreign Minister of Armenia expressed gratitude to the Bulgarian authorities for their caring attitude towards the Armenian community, mentioning that their ancestors mostly came to Bulgaria 100 years ago, surviving the Genocide.

Foreign Minister of Armenia thanked for the decision made by the Parliament of Bulgaria on April 24 of the last year on the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

At the meeting the role of parliamentary diplomacy in the development of intergovernmental relations was stressed, and ways to activate inter-parliamentary ties and tighten cooperation within parliamentary assemblies of international organizations were discussed.

Speaker of the Bulgarian Parliament outlined the necessity to boost high-level political dialogue and ties between the Parliaments of the two countries. Tsetska Tsacheva reaffirmed her invitation to the Speaker of National Assembly of Armenia to visit Bulgaria and expressed hope that it will be possible to organize the visit this year. She also expressed confidence that the expansion of cooperation between the two Parliaments would contribute to the deepening of relations between Bulgaria and Armenia.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia attached importance to the activity of Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Groups and in this regard stressed importance of having Manvel Badeyan, Head of the Armenia-Bulgaria Friendship Group, in the delegation headed by him.

Foreign Minister Nalbandian presented to the Speaker the details of efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

On the same day negotiations between Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Bulgaria Edward Nalbandian and Daniel Mitov, correspondingly, were held, which started in the tête-à-tête format, then continued in the presence of delegations.

Welcoming Edward Nalbandian, Daniel Mitov mentioned that relations between Bulgaria and Armenia are more than just friendly: they go back for centuries. He found symbolic that in the Middle Ages some Bulgarian Kings married Armenian women. “Bulgarians and Armenians have fought side by side in a number of the Balkan Wars. Armenia is an important international partner of Bulgaria and an old friend. Today’s visit gives a new momentum to bilateral ties and provides an opportunity to discuss new projects”, said Daniel Mitov.

Expressing gratitude for the invitation to visit Sofia, Edward Nalbandian stressed that Armenia attaches great importance to the close historical relations with Bulgaria based on the traditional friendship and cultural ties of our nations, common destiny and mutual sympathy.

The Ministers outlined the necessity to give new impetus to political dialogue between the countries through mutual visits and undertake additional efforts for the further deepening and development of cooperation. “Political dialogue, cooperation in the areas of trade, economy and culture between Armenia and Bulgaria have a solid potential for development, and we are determined to undertake practical steps to provide new substance and dynamics to our cooperation”, mentioned the Foreign Minister of Armenia.

The Ministers touched upon numerous issues on bilateral agenda, discussed the prospects of development of cooperation in different fields of mutual interest.

Thoughts were exchanged on the strengthening of legal framework, development of inter-parliamentary ties, holding of regular consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two states, enhancement of cooperation within the international organizations, in the areas of education and culture, trade and economy. The sides attached importance to the activity of Inter-Governmental Committee on Economic Cooperation.

In this regard, Foreign Minister of Bulgaria mentioned that the construction of infrastructure connecting the Black Sea and the South Caucasus, exploration of its potential is an important direction of bilateral relations.

Within the context of Bulgaria’s chairmanship in the Council of Europe the priorities of Bulgarian chairmanship were discussed.

The interlocutors touched upon the Armenia-European Union relations, on-going negotiations on the Armenia-EU new legal document. Minister Mitov reaffirmed Bulgaria’s support to the strengthening and development of cooperation of Armenia with the EU.

Views were exchanged on pressing regional and international issues, i.e. Ukrainian crisis, implementation of Iran nuclear deal, situation in the Middle East, in particular, Syrian crisis.

Edward Nalbandian presented to Daniel Mitov the recent developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, the joint efforts by Armenia and the Minsk Group Co-Chairs for a peaceful resolution of the NK conflict.

FM of Armenia invited his counterpart to visit Yerevan. 

The meeting was followed by a joint press conference.

Foreign Minister of Bulgaria hosted an official dinner in honour of the Foreign Minister of Armenia.

In the Bulgarian Parliament Edward Nalbandian met the members of Bulgaria-Armenia Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group. Foreign Minister of Armenia commended activities and initiatives of the members of the Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group aimed at the development of relation between the two countries.

On the evening of January 15, Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with representatives of the Bulgarian-Armenian organizations and unions, presented the purpose of his visit, meetings held and agreements reached, answered numerous questions on the agenda of Armenia’s foreign policy raised by the Bulgarian Armenians.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia mentioned, “It is a great honour to hear from the Bulgarian leadership during all the meetings words of appreciation addressed to the Armenian community in regard with the role and importance it plays in the country’s life.”

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