Armenia’s Foreign Minister received Japan’s Special Envoy for South Caucasus

09 February, 2016

On February 9, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia received Ambassador Toshihiro Aiki, Special Envoy for South Caucasus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian attached importance to further deepening of friendly relations between Armenia and Japan, and expansion of comprehensive cooperation in different fields.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Special Envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan stressed that his country places significance to fostering of cooperation with friendly Armenia, which is promoted by high-level contacts and mutual visits.

During the meeting, the process of implementation of agreements reached during the visit of the President of Armenia to Japan, issues of holding of regular consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, cooperation between Parliamentary Friendship Groups, tightening of engagement within international organizations, expansion of trade and economic ties, cultural exchange were reflected on.

Minister Nalbandian commended Japan’s development assistance rendered to Armenia.

The interlocutors exchanged thoughts over a range of pressing regional and international issues. Ambassador Aiki presented efforts exerted towards reinforcement of security and stability on the Korean Peninsula. Concern was expressed over the launch of ballistic missile by North Korea, which is in violation of the UN Security Council’s resolutions.

Minister Nalbandian reflected on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, presenting the situation unfolded in the conflict zone, the latest developments of the negotiation process, as well as efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group and Armenia for exclusively peaceful settlement of the issue.

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