Foreign Minister of Armenia visited Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

23 March, 2016

On March 23, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, who arrived in Stepanakert, was received by Bako Sahakyan, the President of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

President Sahakyan and Minister Nalbandian thoroughly discussed the process of peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, touched upon efforts exerted by Artsakh, Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs in this direction.

The sides attached importance to active and coordinated works of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Artsakh.

Edward Nalbandian visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, where he had a meeting with Foreign Minister of Artsakh Karen Mirzoyan. During the meeting, the Ministers reflected on facilitation of cooperation, holding of regular consultations between the MFAs of Armenia and Artsakh and cooperation in the field of education.

Edward Nalbandian met the senior staff of the MFA of Artsakh, held discussions over foreign policy priorities of Armenia and Artsakh.

On the same day, Edward Nalbandian had a meeting at Artsakh State University with the faculty and students, answered numerous questions.

Reacting to the statements recently voiced in Baku, Minister Nalbandian said, "The leadership of Azerbaijan names the Co-Chair states provocateurs only because they propose to create a mechanism for investigation of incidents. In fact, that criticism is directed not only against the Co-Chairs, but at least against the past and present participating states that presided over the OSCE, the United Nations, European Union, and in general all the states and institutions that have supported and support that proposal."

The Azerbaijani leadership does not refrain from accepting, that it is behind the cease fire violations and escalation of the situation. It is even boasting of that fact. Leaving aside whether Baku genuinely thinks there is something worth boasting of, or it is just a propaganda trick for the internal consumption, it should be once again stated that the Azerbaijani leadership has lost its sense of reality. And this refers not only to the NK issue. They state, that Azerbaijan is no less than the most economically stable, the most democratic, the most tolerant state and the most secure place in the world in terms of the protection of human rights, that they may set an example for other states, while different international organizations, international HR institutions state the opposite. A kingdom of crooked mirrors is created in that country, the leaders of which, looking in those mirrors, admire themselves and call upon others to live in such a kingdom of crooked mirrors."

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