Reception on the occasion of the International Day of La Francophonie took place at the Foreign Ministry of Armenia

24 March, 2016

On March 24, reception on the occasion of the International Day of La Francophonie and official start of two-month Francophonie season in Armenia took place at the Foreign Ministry. Members of the National Assembly of Armenia, representatives of governmental agencies, local authorities, Ambassadors accredited to Armenia, Heads of French institutions operating in Armenia, officials responsible for the educational sector were among the attendees.

At the beginning of the reception, participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of terror attacks in Brussels. Minister Nalbandian mentioned, that Armenia together with the entire Francophone world, strongly condemns those hideous terror acts and offers its solidarity to Belgium and the friendly Belgian people.

In the opening remarks, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia stressed, that Armenia, as an active member of the Organization, would hold nearly 600 educational, cultural and university events in Yerevan and range of marzes (provinces) over two-month Francophonie season.

The Minister commended active participation of the youth in the events – more than 200 educational institutions are involved in this program.

Edward Nalbandian expressed gratitude to governmental agencies of Armenia, i.e. Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Culture and Yerevan City Hall, embassies of member and observer states of La Francophonie accredited to Armenia and French institutions, which had their important input in the preparatory works of 2016 two-month Francophonie season in Armenia.

The meeting between Shahen Avakian, Secretary General and Chief of Staff of the MFA of Armenia, Jean-Francois Charpentier, Ambassador of France to Armenia, Lucas Gasser, Ambassador of Switzerland to Armenia, Head of the Ambassadors of Francophone states in Armenia and the journalists was held prior to the reception.

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