Foreign Minister of Armenia received the newly appointed Head of the OSCE Office

24 March, 2016

On March 24, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian received Ambassador Argo Avakov, the newly appointed Head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Office in Yerevan, on handing over letter of credentials.

Congratulating Ambassador Avakov on the appointment, Minister Nalbandian wished success in the implementation of his mission, and stressed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would continue to provide full support to the activities of the OSCE Office in Yerevan.

Expressing gratitude for good wishes, the newly appointed Head of the OSCE Office assured that he would spare no effort in the maintenance and facilitation of the efficiency of the current projects implemented in Armenia, strengthening of cooperation established with the authorities of Armenia and with the civil society.

The sides commended that the OSCE-Armenia relations always were notable for their multi-dimensionality and include active involvement of the Republic of Armenia in the activities of the OSCE in all three directions. Edward Nalbandian highlighted the activity of the OSCE Office in Yerevan, mentioning that the Office is the only OSCE representation in the region that works in full capacity.

Edward Nalbandian and Argo Avakov discussed reforms process in Armenia, projects, realized with the OSCE support.

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