Event dedicated to the 101th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Assen

24 April, 2016

On April 24, a Commemorative event was held in Assen,the Netherlands, dedicated to the 101th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, organized by the Cooperating Armenian Organizations.

A solemn march to the Crossstone dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide erected in the Boskamp Cemetary of Assen and wreath laying ceremony marked the beginning of the event.

Mr. Mato Hakhverdian, Chairman of the Federation of the Dutch-Armenian Organizations opened the event. Parliamentarians from the House of Representatives of the Netherlands Mr. Harry van Bommel (Socialist Party) and Mr. Joel Voordewind (Christian Union) spoke about the discussions in the Duth Parliament on the Armenian Genocide and the activities of their parties carried out to that effect.

Ms. Dziunik Aghajanian, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Netherlands, addressed those gathered highlighting the vitality of conjoining and uniting in order to achieve victory in the just cause of the Armenians and longevity of our motherland. "During those hundred years the Armenian nation with its courageous spirit, its zeal to create, its drive for the good and the most advanced in the world proved that it is impossible to exterminate this small nation that, regrettably, has battles yet to fight, whose case is yet to be tried, whose claims and demands have yet to be met. That nation has already realized the power that it holds. Every single one of you sitting here, living in different countries of the world, being an honorable and contributive member of their societies, is a testimony to the failure of the Turkish criminal plan. The existence of the independent Republic of Armenia is the best proof to the inner strength of the Armenian people, its unwavering spirit, perseverance and unity", - she said.

Mr. Nubar Sepoyan- Sipan from the April 24 Committee of the Federation of the Armenian Organizations in the Netherlands, Mr. Pargev Nazarian from the Dutch Committee of Hay Tad, Mr. Hayk Abrahamyan from Gladzor Student Organization, Mr. Nicolai Romashuk Sr. from the Armenian Church of Assen, as well as Mr. Zeynel Halis from the Kurdish Federation of the Netherlands addressed the participants of the event.

Literary and musical pieces dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide were performed during the event.

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