Foreign Minister of Armenia met the Speaker of Parliament of Finland

03 May, 2016

On May 3, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian, who pays an official visit to Helsinki, met Maria Lohela, Speaker of Parliament of Finland, during which the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament and the Head of the Finland-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group were present.

At the meeting, the interlocutors reflected on the facilitation of contacts between the National Assembly of Armenia and the Eduskunta of Finland, attaching importance to the parliamentary diplomacy, as a important format for strengthening and deepening of friendship between the peoples.

Issues on tightening of cooperation between the delegations of legislative bodies of Armenia and Finland within parliamentary assemblies of international organizations were on the agenda of the meeting.

The interlocutors touched upon topics of decentralized cooperation, culture, education and science.

Thoughts were exchange on ways to foster trade and economic cooperation, Armenia-European Union relations.

Foreign Minister of Armenia presented to the Speaker of Parliament of Finland the launch of the aggressive military actions by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh in early April, efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs for overcoming of the consequences.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Finland condemned the use of force in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone and violations of humanitarian law, stressing that her state fully supports a peaceful negotiated settlement of the issue.

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