Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and the Czech Republic

04 May, 2016

On May 4, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, who pays a working visit to Prague, met Lubomír Zaorálek, Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic.

The Ministers commended the effective cooperation established between the two states, reflected on the preparatory works for the forthcoming visit of the President of the Czech Republic to Armenia, outcomes of the session of Intergovernmental Committee held in Prague last week. Foreign Ministers of Armenia and the Czech Republic commended the regular consultations held between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs.

Foreign Minister of Armenia presented to his Czech counterpart the consequences of aggressive military actions unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh in early April this year, stressing that Azerbaijan continues to ignore numerous calls of the international community to respect the ceasefire, violating 1994 ceasefire agreement and 1995 agreement on the consolidation of ceasefire, which have no time limitations.

Minister Nalbandian reaffirmed that Armenia will keep working with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs for exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Foreign Minister of Armenia added that in order to ensure necessary conditions for resumption of the negotiations, it is imperative to guarantee unconditional compliance with the trilateral ceasefire agreements of 1994-1995 and carry out the Co-Chairs’ proposals on creation of the mechanism for investigation of ceasefire violations.

Lubomír Zaorálek stressed that the Nagorno-Karabakh issue can be settled only through peaceful means, within the framework of the mediation by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

The interlocutors exchanged thoughts on Armenia-European Union relations.

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