Foreign Minister of Armenia received Vice-President of Bundestag of Germany

25 May, 2016

On May 26, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian received Edelgard Bulmahn, Vice-President of Bundestag of Germany.

Welcoming Ms. Bulmahn, Minister Nalbandian commended the friendly relations of two states, stressing that active cooperation and contacts between the legislative bodies of Armenia and Germany have major role in it.

During the meeting, draft resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide to be discussed in Bundestag on June 2 was reflected on. Minister Nalbandian mentioned that the adoption of this resolution would be a significant step to restore historical justice and prevent crimes of such kind. In this regard, Vice-President of Bundestag stressed that the recognition of the Genocide would lead to regional peace and stability, reconciliation between the Armenian and Turkish peoples. She added that it is important to commemorate the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, keeping alive the memory of the past. According to the Vice-President of Bundestag, the legislative body of Germany should give an assessment to the role of the German Empire, as back then Germany was Ottoman Empire’s ally and did not prevent the heinous crimes.

Foreign Minister of Armenia and Vice-President of Bundestag discussed numerous issues on the bilateral agenda. Minister Nalbandian stressed, that the official visit by the President of the Republic of Armenia to the Federal Republic of Germany in April, meetings held with the leadership of Germany and arrangements reached during those meetings gave a strong impetus to the development of cooperation in different areas between the two states.

In the context of Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the sides touched upon the implementation of the arrangements reached in Vienna during the meeting of Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, emphasizing the necessity of unconditional realization of the commitments.

Foreign Minister of Armenia and Vice-President of Bundestag exchanged thoughts on the implementation of priorities of German Chairmanship in the OSCE, OSCE agenda issues.

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