The President of Iran received the Foreign Minister of Armenia

05 June, 2016

On June 5, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian, who has arrived in Tehran on an official visit, was received by Hassan Rouhani, President of Islamic Republic of Iran.

Welcoming Edward Nalbandian, Hassan Rouhani commended the strong and stable friendly relations between Armenia and Iran, and attached importance to their further strengthening and deepening. He added that the deal reached over Iran’s nuclear program and lifting of sanctions create good opportunity for the development of bilateral trade and economic ties in all the areas, thus it is necessary to undertake practical steps in that direction.

Edward Nalbandian conveyed to the President of Iran Hassan Rouhani the greetings and warm greetings of the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.

President of Iran and Foreign Minister of Armenia touched upon the process of implementation of arrangements reached between the Heads of the two countries and joint economic projects, as well as works being carried out towards the expansion of legal framework.

Hassan Rouhani mentioned, that though a progress is registered in different fields, there is a great potential for cooperation, which should be translated into life through joint efforts. The interlocutors shared the view that liberalization of visa regime between the two states will give an additional impetus to the intensification of contacts between the two friendly nations, particularly, within business circles, as well as the development of tourism.

Minister Nalbandian touched upon the completed and ongoing joint economic projects and emphasized Armenia’s readiness to elaborate and implement new, more ambitious projects for the benefit of economic development of two neighbouring countries, as well as the regional cooperation. In this regard, an importance was attached to cooperation within bilateral and multilateral formats.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia presented steps aimed at overcoming the consequences of military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh in early April, efforts towards the implementation of agreements reached at the Vienna Summit in May. Within this context, President Rouhani stressed that Iran has always supported the maintenance of security, stability and peace in the region through the peaceful resolution of existing problems and reassured his country’s support for exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue based on the principles of International Law. Minister Nalbandian highly appreciated Iran’s balanced stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement.

President of Islamic Republic of Iran asked to deliver his warm greetings and good wishes to the President of the Republic of Armenia and stressed his intention to visit Armenia in near future.

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