Foreign Minister of Armenia met Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan

04 July, 2016

On July 4, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, received Erlan Abdyldaev, Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan, who has arrived in Yerevan.

The Ministers outlined that the bilateral meeting, held on the sidelines of the session of the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers, also provides a good opportunity to discuss different areas of cooperation between Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan touched upon the issues related to intensifying the political dialogue, developing the inter-parliamentary contacts, promoting trade and economic cooperation.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan agreed upon the holding of regular consultations between the respective Ministries headed by them.

Issues on cooperation between Armenia and Kyrgyzstan both within international institutions and the integration processes were on the agenda of the meeting. In this context, the sides discussed the preparatory works of the CIS Summit scheduled for September in Bishkek.

Edward Nalbandian and Erlan Abdyldaev reflected on the CSTO agenda issues, the implementation of the priorities of the Armenian Chairmanship in the Organization.

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