Edward Nalbandian received US Congressman Jim Costa

21 July, 2016

On July 21, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, received Jim Costa, U.S. House of Representatives Congressman.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian highly appreciated the friendly partnership between Armenia and the United States, as well as the steps being undertaken in that direction. In this regard the Foreign Minister of Armenia attached importance to the intensive cooperation established between the legislative bodies of the two countries. Edward Nalbandian thanked Jim Costa for his efforts towards the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Congressman Costa mentioned that for years he has been pursuing issues of high importance for Armenia and the Armenian people in the U.S. Congress, and he is glad to visit Armenia to get first-hand information and exchange views on the regional problems and the ways to resolve them.

During the meeting a wide range of issues on the expansion of cooperation between Armenia and the United States was discussed.

Minister Nalbandian and Congressman Costa exchanged views on regional issues.

Edward Nalbandian informed Jim Costa on the efforts being undertaken towards the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and the overcoming of consequences of the large-scale military actions unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) this April.

Jim Costa mentioned that as the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair country, the United States will continue its efforts aimed the exclusively peaceful settlement of the issue through negotiations.

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