Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian’s meeting with the Prime Minister of Georgia

01 August, 2016

On August 1, while on an official visit to Tbilisi, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili.

Welcoming Minister Nalbandian, Georgian Prime Minister noted with satisfaction that relations between Armenia and Georgia, which are based on centuries old friendship between the two people, are developing dynamically and high-level visits contribute to that.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Foreign Minister stressed that Armenia attaches great importance to further development and deepening of the relations with Georgia in different fields.

Speaking about the situation created by the armed seizure of a police station in Yerevan, Prime Minister Kvirikashvili expressed his deep concern and condolences to the Armenian authorities over two people killed. He noted that Georgia welcomes the steps that led to the resolution of the issue by peaceful means.

Foreign Minister Nalbandian expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister of Georgia for condolences and support to the efforts aimed at peaceful settlement, and stressed that the resolution was possible to achieve due to wise, patient, balanced approach and right decisions adopted by the authorities of Armenia.

Interlocuteurs discussed in a detail manner numerous issues of the Armenian-Georgian cooperation agenda, namely the realization of agreements reached on high level, economic and trade cooperation, diversification of transport roots, cooperation in energy sector, promotion of cultural exchanges, development of tourism. In this regard, the importance of activation of the Armenian-Georgian inter-governmental committee was stressed.

Giorgi Kvirikashvili and Edward Nalbandian exchanged views on the preservation of Armenian cultural heritage in Georgia and discussed issues concerning the Georgian citizens of Armenian origin.

The Prime Minister of Georgia and the Foreign Minister of Armenia touched upon the issues on strengthening the cooperation within the international organizations.

Edward Nalbandian presented to Giorgi Kvirikashvili the efforts by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs aimed at the realization of agreements reached at Vienna and Saint-Petersburg Summits on Nagorno-Karabakh, which will enable to advance the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. 

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