The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia participated in the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the EU and Eastern Partnership countries

03 September, 2016

On September 3, in Bratislava Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian participated in the in the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the EU and Eastern Partnership countries, attended by Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.

Addressing the Ministerial meeting, Minister Nalbandian, particularly, outlined: “The fourth round of EU-Armenia framework agreement has been completed successfully. The next round will take place this month and we expect to finalise them in near future.

After the Riga Summit Armenia joined a number of EU projects - COSME and Horizon 2020. We expect to become a member of Creative Europe programme this year and to launch the negotiations on the European Common Aviation Area agreement,” noted Minister Nalbandian.

Referring to visa regime liberalisation, Edward Nalbandian emphasized, “We welcome the intention of EU member states and Slovakia presidency to pay a deliberate attention to the visa regime liberalisation process. We do believe that it is high time to launch a dialogue on visa liberalization with Armenia,” said Edward Nalbandian.

Talking about the reforms in Armenia, Minister Nalbandian emphasized that the “continuation of the reforms aimed at strengthening of democratic institutions and fundamental freedoms is a core priority and we highly assess the continuous support by EU in this regard.”

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