The meetings of Ambassador Mkrtchyan in the Lithuanian Seimas

06 September, 2016

On September 5, Tigran Mkrtchyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Republic of Lithuania, had a meeting with Benediktas Yuodka, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas.

Benedikta Yuodka congratulated Ambassador Mkrtchyan on his appointment and wished him success during his mission.

Various issues on the agenda of the Armenian-Lithuanian relations were discussed during the meeting and the importance of parliamentary diplomacy in this process was underlined.

The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas attached great importance to successful negotiations over the new Framework Agreement between Armenia and the EU. In his turn, the Ambassador emphasized that Armenia expects to finalize the negotiations with the EU in the nearest future. The Ambassador noted that Armenia pursues a multi-vector foreign policy, which aims to increase the friendly and partner countries in various parts of the world.

At the request of the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas, Ambassador Mkrtchyan spoke about the current stage of the process of the NK conflict settlement, as well as about the efforts to overcome the consequences of large-scale military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh in early April.

On September 6, the Armenian Ambassador had a meeting with Gediminas Kirkilas, Vice President of the Seimas of Lithuania, President of the committee of European relations of the Seimas and former Prime Minister. The successful Armenia-EU negotiation process was highly evaluated by the Vice President.

The sides exchanged views on prospects for development of cooperation in various fields. They also touched upon the Armenian-Lithuanian trade and economic relations, in this context, expressing satisfaction with the intensification of trade and stressing the great potential in this field.

At the request of the Lithuanian Seimas Deputy Speaker, Mr. Mkrtchyan presented the process of constitutional reforms in Armenia. 

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