Reception dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s Independence at the US Congress

21 September, 2016

On September 21th, the Embassy of Armenia in the United States on the occasion of Armenia’s Independence Day, organized a reception dedicated to the Congressional Armenian Caucus Members and their achievements in developing Armenia-US relations.

The ceremony was attended by Senator Robert Menendez, the Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs- Frank Pallone, Jackie Speier and Vice Co-Chairs Adam Schiff, David Trott as well as the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives Ed Royce, Congressmen Bred Sherman, Judy Chu, Anna Eshoo, Jim Costa.

Armenian National Committee of America and the Armenian Assembly of America as well as Armenian community members were also present.

Ambassador Grigor Hovhannissian made a speech expressing his sincere appreciation and gratitude towards the Congressional Armenian Caucus Members for their significant contribution in strengthening the friendship between the two countries and nations.

The Co-Chairs presented Ambassador with a congratulatory message addressed to the President of Armenia.

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