Political consultations between the MFAs of Armenia and Austria

23 September, 2016

On September 23, political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Austria were held at the MFA of Armenia. While visiting Armenia, the Austrian delegation, headed by Michael Linhart, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria, had working visits with Deputy Foreign Ministers of Armenia.

During the separate meetings with Deputy Foreign Ministers Garen Nazarian and Shavarsh Kocharyan, the Armenian and Austrian diplomats discussed bilateral agenda issues. The sides attached importance to the intensification of Armenian-Austrian political dialogue, as well as discussed the steps aimed at the development of trade and economic relations. A reference was made to the cooperation between the two countries within the framework of European institutions.

During the consultations pressing regional and international issues were discussed, as well; views were exchanges on the perspectives of the Armenia-EU cooperation. The Austrian side was briefed on the recent developments on the settlement process of the Nagorno-Karabakh issues, as well as Armenia’s relations with the neighbouring countries.

In the course of meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimian, the sides touched upon the priorities of Austria’s OSCE Chairmanship for 2017 and the OSCE agenda issues. The Armenian sides reaffirmed its support to the OSCE Austrian Chairmanship of 2017.

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