Edward Nalbandian delivered a lecture at Baker Institute

26 September, 2016

On September 26, in Houston, Edward Nalbandian, the Acting Foreign Minister of Armenia, visited the Rice University’s James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, where he delivered a lecture on the challenges in the South Caucasus.

The meeting, attended by leading experts and scientists, representatives of business sector, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Houston, was chaired by Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian, the Founding Director of the Institute and renowned US diplomat.

In his remarks Edward Nalbandian presented the Armenia’s path during the 25 years of independence, the foreign policy priorities of Armenia, its stance on regional issues and ways to resolve them.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia briefed in details on the current stage of settlement process of the Nagorno-Karabakh issues, presented the agreements reached during the Vienna and St. Petersburg meetings and Azerbaijan’s destructive efforts to backtrack from the implementation of the results of those meetings.

The Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian spoke about Armenia’s initiative role in the international arena aimed at preventing the crime of genocide, Armenia’s involvement in different international institutions, its participation in peacekeeping operation in different countries under the UN mandate, Armenia’s cooperation with a number of international organizations, as well as he touched upon the consequences of the Syrian crisis, migration flows and situation in the Middle East.

At the end of the lecture Edward Nalbandian answered numerous questions of the attendees.

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