Edward Nalbandian delivered a speech at the University of Berkeley

27 September, 2016

On September 27, Edward Nalbandian, the Acting Foreign Minister of Armenia, delivered a speech at one of the leading US universities - the University of Berkeley.
In his remarks, the Acting Foreign Minister of Armenia presented in details the April aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh and the situation created in the result of that aggression.

“This April Azerbaijan, in gross violation of ceasefire agreements of 1994-1995, unleashed a large scale preplanned aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh, with the use of offensive weaponry - aviation, heavy artillery, rocket systems, tanks. That offensive was accompanied by gross violations of international humanitarian law. It goes without saying that this adventurism of Baku has seriously undermined the negotiation process,” Edward Nalbandian emphasized.

“We, together with the Co-Chairs, are exerting efforts to overcome the consequences of the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan. To that end trust in the process of the conflict resolution should be restored, which should be reflected in measures to prevent use of force and create conditions conducive to the advancement of the peace process. This was the main aim of the Summits held in Vienna in May and in St. Petersburg in June. First of all, it is a necessity to implement what was particularly emphasized and agreed upon in the framework of these Summits - the full adherence to the 1994-1995 trilateral ceasefire agreements, the creation of mechanism for investigation of ceasefire violations, and the expansion of the capacity of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office,” Edward Nalbandian outlined.

Answering the questions of the attendees, the Foreign Minister of Armenia touched upon the Syrian crisis, the steps aimed at addressing the problems the Syrian Armenian are facing, Armenia’s relations with the neighbouring countries, Armenia’s stance on a number of regional issues, the meetings held during his visit to the United States and their outcomes.


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