Reception at the Embassy of Armenia, dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia

03 October, 2016

Events dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia are currently ongoing in Canada. On October 3rd, an official reception, dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Canada.

The guest of honour for the evening was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Stéphane Dion. The official event was also attended by the Honourable Robert D Nault, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development of the Parliament of Canada, the Honourable Senator Leo Housakos, the former Prtesident of the Senate of Canada, high-level representatives of Global Affairs Canada, a number of Ambassadors accredited to Canada and leaders of Canadian-Armenian political organizations.

In his speech, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Canada, Armen Yeganian, spoke about achievements of Armenia that were accomplished over the past 25 years. He underlined the exponential growth in Armenian-Canadian relations over the course of those 25 years and stressed the active role of the Canadian-Armenian community in the development of Armenia and in the advancing of Armenian-Canadian ties.

In his congratulatory remarks, Minister Dion stressed the importance of further development of Armenian-Canadian relations, and expressed his hope that Armenia and Canada will deepen the existing bilateral cooperation, for the benefit of the Armenian and Canadian peoples.

Throughout the evening, the guests were treated to a performance of the works of famous Armenian composers such as Komitas, Aram Khachaturian and Arno Babajanian by the talented Canadian-Armenian pianist Michael Turabian.

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