5th round of Armenia-EU talks took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

25 October, 2016

On October 25, the 5th round of negotiations between the Republic of Armenia and the European Union over the new framework agreement took place in Yerevan.

The Armenian and EU delegations were headed by Garen Nazarian, the Deputy Foreign Minister, and Luc Devigne, the Director of Russia, Eastern Partnership, Central Asia, OSCE and Regional Cooperation of the European External Action Service, respectively. The Head of the EU Delegation in Armenia, as well as officials representing the MFA of Armenia, other interested agencies and the EU attended the meeting.

Issues related to different chapters of the draft agreement were discussed.

Afterwards, a plenary session in an expanded format took place, during which the sides summed up the results of negotiations on the discussed chapters and identified the scope of the next round of discussions.

The negotiating parties plan to hold the next meeting in Brussels this December.

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