Edward Nalbandian received the delegation of the Armenian Assembly of America

29 October, 2016

On October 29, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, received Carolyn Mugar, President of the Board of Trustees of the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA), and Anthony Barsamian, Co-Chair of the Organization.

The heads of the Armenian Assembly of America presented the activity of the Organization and the upcoming projects.

At the meeting the sides touched upon the steps aimed at the development of Armenia-US friendly partnership.

During the talks, a number of issues, as well as the important role of the Armenian community organizations in solving them were discussed.

Edward Nalbandian presented to his interlocutors the efforts being undertaken by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs to create conductive conditions for the advancement of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

The interlocutors touched upon several regional issues – the developments in the Middle East, the migration problem.


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