Edward Nalbandian delivered a speech at Friedrich Ebert Foundation

04 November, 2016

On November 4, in Berlin, at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia held a meeting with the members of the German Bundestag, leading analysts and political scientists. Edelgard Bulmahn, Vice-President of Bundestag, attended the meeting.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia highly appreciated the adoption of resolution by Bundestag on recognition of the Armenian Genocide and commended the principled stance of the legislative body of Germany.

Issues related to the cooperation between Armenia and Germany and the perspectives for their further strengthening and deepening were discussed during the meeting.

Edward Nalbandian touched upon the relations between Armenia and European Union.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia presented the details of large-scale military actions unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, including flagrant violations of international humanitarian law. He briefed on the outcomes of summits held in Vienna and St. Petersburg that followed the aggression and the efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries to create conducive conditions for the advancement of the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement process. The minister stressed that Azerbaijan refuses to implement the agreements reached in this regard at the summits and seriously undermines the efforts aimed at the peaceful settlement by continuing to escalate the situation along the Line of Contact.

Minister Nalbandian emphasized. “Another manifestation of such provocative stance are the military exercises planned to take place in a week in Azerbaijan, with reported engagement of almost entire armed forces and military equipment, in gross violation of the international arms control commitments. This is how Azerbaijan reacts to the calls of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries to advance the negotiation process aimed at the exclusively peaceful settlement.”

The Foreign Minister of Armenia briefed the German Parliamentarians and experts on the ongoing reforms in Armenia, and appreciated the support of partner countries and international organizations extended to this process.

The Minister reflected on a number of current regional problems and the prospects of their settlement.

In the course of the interactive discussion the Foreign Minister of Armenia answered to numerous questions.

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