Ambassador Mkrtchyan’s meeting with the Archbishop of Vilnius

08 November, 2016

On November 8 Tigran Mkrtchyan, Ambassador of Armenia to Lithuania, met the Archbishop of Vilnius Gintaras Grušas in the Archdiocese of Vilnius.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented the priorities of his mission to his interlocutor. The sides touched upon the challenges facing the Catholic and Apostolic churches, discussed the perspectives of future cooperation.

The Ambassador of Armenia thanked the Archbishop for his support to the events dedicated to memory of the victims of the Armenian genocide during its Centenary, as well as during the passing year. In this context Archbishop Grušas referred to the historic visits of the Popes John Paul II and Francis I to Armenia. The Ambassador underlined that the visit of Pope Francis to Armenia in terms of its meaning and messages was unprecedented and created much excitement amongst the Armenian people.

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