Meeting of Edward Nalbandian with Foreign Minister of Moldova

16 November, 2016

On November 16, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, had a meeting with Andrei Galbur, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, who has arrived in Armenia on a working visit.

Welcoming the guest, Edward Nalbandian mentioned, that Armenia attaches importance to the deepening of friendly relations with Moldova.

The meeting started with the tete-a-tete talks of the Ministers, and then proceeded in the extended format. The sides had a comprehensive discussion on issues of bilateral and multilateral agenda, as well as international and regional pressing matters.

The Ministers exchanged views on the steps to be undertaken towards the further development of cooperation between the two countries, discussed the ways to give a new impetus to the collaboration in area of trade and economy, attached importance to the intensification of exchanges in the fields of science, education and culture.

Edward Nalbandian and Andrei Galbur touched upon the intensification of interparliamentary ties, holding of consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, strengthening of cooperation within the international organizations.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia informed his Moldovan counterpart on the ongoing negotiations over the new framework agreement between Armenia and the European union. In his turn, Mr. Galbur presented the recent developments in the process of Moldova’s European integration.

The agenda of the meeting also focused on the peaceful settlement of regional conflicts. The interlocutors shared the view that all the conflicts should be resolved exclusively through peaceful means. Within this context Edward Nalbandian presented to his Moldovan counterpart the efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries to create conductive conditions for the advancement of negotiation process on the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

At the end of the meeting, the Ministers signed four documents - agreements regarding the abolition of visa regime for the citizens of Armenia and Moldova, tourism, as well as cooperation in the areas of science and education, the programme of 2017-2018 consultations between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries. The meeting was followed by a joint press conference.

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