Ambassador Mkrtchyan's meetings in Latvia

29 November, 2016

In the context of the visit for presenting his credentials to the President of Latvia, Tigran Mkrtchyan, Ambassador of Armenia to Latvia (with residence in Vilnius), met Andrejs Pildegovics, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia on November 28.

During the meeting a number of issues on the bilateral agenda were discussed. State Secretary Pildegovics noted that cooperation with Armenia is viewed as a priority taking into account the latter's involvement in the framework of Eastern Partnership.

The interlocutors discussed the possibilities of organizing top level mutual visits. Ambassador Mkrtchyan mentioned that the negotiations on Armenia-EU Framework Agreement are proceeding successfully.

In the context of development of trade relations Ambassador Mkrtchyan highlighted the necessity of organizing the next meeting of the Armenian-Latvian Intergovernmental Commission.

Armenia's Ambassador briefed the State Secretary about the situation on the ground following the April aggression of Azerbaijan against Artsakh, underlining that Baku is backtracking from the agreements reached in the Saint Petersburg and Vienna Summits initiated by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, which are aimed at creating appropriate conditions for moving the negotiation process forward. State Secretary Pildegovics reaffirmed Latvia's position, expressing support to the efforts of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs directed at the peaceful settlement of NK issue.

On the same day Ambassador Mkrtchyan met Professor Indrikis Muiznieks, Rector of the University of Latvia. During the meeting a number of issues concerning cooperation in the field of education were discussed. In that context the interlocutors underlined the necessity of organizing mutual visits on the relevant level, and reached an agreement to take respective steps in the near future. The sides lent importance to the cooperation between the University of Latvia and the Academy of Sciences of Armenia, as well.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan visited the library of the University of Latvia where, during his meetings an agreement was reached regarding the organization of a number of Armenian cultural events. The Ambassador gifted some literature on the Armenian history and culture to the library.

On November 29 the Ambassador met Gundars Daudze, the Deputy Speaker of the Latvian Saeima. During the meeting the sides expressed satisfaction with the close cooperation established between the parliaments of the two countries and discussed the steps that could further develop the cooperation between the legislative bodies.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan briefed the Deputy Speaker of Saeima on a number of perspective areas of cooperation between the two countries. The interlocutors particularly touched upon planned projects in the spheres of economy and culture.

Referring to the steps aimed at the activation of economic relations the sides underlined the necessity of restoring direct air flights.

Speaking about the Nagorno-Karabakh issue the Latvian Deputy Speaker reaffirmed Latvia's principled position on the peaceful settlement of the conflict within the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship format.

The Latvian-Armenian cooperation in the area of defense was discussed during the Ambassador Mkrtchyan's meeting with Raimonds Bergmanis, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Latvia.

The sides touched upon Armenia's partnership with NATO. International and regional issues were discussed, including the topic of refugees. The Ambassador of Armenia briefed the Defense Minister of Latvia about the initiatives of Armenia in support of Syrian-Armenian refugees and the facilitation of their integration.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan touched upon Azerbaijan's attempts to shift the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiation format into other platforms. Minister Bergmanis underlined that in the Nagorno-Karabakh issue Latvia's stance is in line with the position of the European Union.

On the same day Ambassador Mkrtchyan visited the University of Latvia and delivered a lecture on the prospects of Armenia's foreign policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

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