Ambassador Mkrtchyan's meetings continue in Latvia

30 November, 2016

In the frames of working visit to Riga Tigran Mkrtchyan, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Republic of Latvia (residence in Vilnius) met Uldis Lielpeters, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture of Latvia.

During the meeting the interlocutors touched upon the current level of bilateral cooperation, discussed a number of projects aimed at its deepening. The Deputy State Secretary highlighted Latvian side's readiness to enhance the bilateral cultural cooperation pointing out the existing sufficient basis for that purpose.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented a number of scheduled events, e.g. details and planned actions for exhibitions, concerts, film shows and conferences.

The significance of mutual visits was equally noted. 

On the same day Ambassador Mkrtchyan met the members of Armenian-Latvian friendship group in the Saeima of Latvia.

Sergejs Potapkins, the Chairman of the friendship group, gladly noted that the friendship group, consisting of 22 members, is one of the largest groups in the Saeima. He added that the inter-parliamentary connections between the two countries are on a high level and are bound to progress. Sergejs Potapkins expressed the willingness of the members of friendship group to consistently support Armenia.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan briefed the members of the group on Armenia's foreign policy priorities. Armenia's Ambassador thoroughly informed about the consequences of the military actions launched by Azerbaijan against Artsakh in early April and about the initiated steps to overcome them. Azerbaijan's destructive stance of backtracking from the proposals of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs aimed at creating appropriate conditions for moving the negotiation process forward was discussed as well.

The interlocutors exchanged thoughts on the negotiation process of Armenia-EU Framework Agreement. In that context the Ambassador of Armenia said that the negotiations are proceeding well and in the near future their positive conclusion is expected.

On the same day Ambassador Mkrtchyan met Ivars Belte, the Chairman of Management Board of the State Latvian Television (LTV), during which practical steps of cooperation development were discussed.

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