Ambassador Mkrtchyan concluded his working visit to Riga

02 December, 2016

In the frames of his working visit TIgran Mkrtchyan, Ambassador of Armenia to the Republic of Latvia (residence in Vilnius) on December 2 met Ojārs Ēriks Kalniņš, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Saeima.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan briefed his interlocutor about the consequences of the military operations unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh as well as about Azerbaijan’s destructive behaviour in international parliamentary formats.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented the current phase of Armenia-EU negotiation process.

The sides exchanged with thoughts on a number of pressing international and regional issues.

On December 1 the Ambassador of Armenia met Andris Vilks, Director of the National Library of Latvia.

During the meeting the sides discussed the perspectives of cooperation between the national libraries of the two countries. Perspectives of establishment of cooperation with Matenadaran (Institute of Ancient Manuscripts) as well as possibilities of organizing various events in the National Library of Latvia were touched upon. Mutual visits of the directors of libraries were highlighted by both sides.

On the same day Ambassador Mkrtchyan had a meeting with the representatives of the Armenian community in Riga’s St. Gregory the Illuminator Church. The participants were welcomed by Priest Ter Khosrov Stepanyan, Spiritual Pastor of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the Baltic countries.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented the details of the cultural events planned to be held in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, discussed the cooperation areas of the Embassy with the Armenian communities. 

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