Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Armen Papikyan participated in Bali democracy forum in Indonesia

08 December, 2016

On December 7-8, Armen Papikyan, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, participated in the IX Bali Democratic Forum held under the motto "Religion, democracy and pluralism" in the Indonesian city of Nusa Dua and attended by delegations from 94 countries and international organizations.

Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia, in his welcoming remarks outlined the importance of democratic values, inter-religious pluralism and ethnic tolerance. At the same time he emphasized that by being a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country Indonesia succeeded in ensuring the harmonious coexistence of different nationalities living in the country.

Armen Papikyan, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, in his statement delivered during the Forum noted that the world continues to face the phenomena of religious hatred, xenophobia and intolerance, which gained a new impetus due to the possibilities provided by modern technologies and the abuse of social networks.

Deputy Foreign Minister Papikyan also stressed that politicians should refrain from the statements containing xenophobia and hate speech, and such vicious practice should be condemned in strongest terms.

The necessity of implementing educational programmes based on the open dialogue and mutual respect among ethnic and religious groups was highlighted.

Regarding the integration issues, Deputy Foreign Minister Papikyan noted that Armenians who live in different countries of the world, while being peacefully and harmoniously integrated within host societies, at the same time continue to serve as a bridge between Armenia and those countries and can be considered as a successful example of peaceful coexistence.

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