Ashot Hovakimian, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, participated in the 35th BSEC Ministerial Meeting in Belgrade

13 December, 2016

On December 13, the 35th meeting of the Ministerial Council of member-states of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) took place in Belgrade, where the outcomes of Serbia’s 6-month Chairmanship of the BSEC were summed up.

The Armenian delegation was headed by Ashot Hovakimian, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, who noted in his speech that Armenia during the last six months, in line with the provisions of the newly adopted economic strategy of the BSEC and its own interests, has been undertaking efforts towards promoting regional multilateral economic cooperation in different spheres, implementing the programmatic agenda of the Organization, as well as fostering investments.

During the Ministerial Council meeting the economic development and trade, transport and emergency situations, tourism, culture and healthcare, science and technologies and other spheres have been emphasized as priority fields of cooperation.

The participants of the meeting highlighted the necessity of improving the BSEC activities while using the institutional potential of the Organisation in an efficient and goal-oriented manner.

In response to groundless accusations made by Mahmud Mammad-Guliyev, Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Ashot Hovakimyan said that attempts at politicising the BSEC were unacceptable. Ashot Hovakimyan also underlined, that BSEC is not the platform where one may out of internal political reasons attempt to present in a distorted manner issues, which are not within the mandate of the Organization, and make them subject for discussions 

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