Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented his credentials to the President of Estonia

20 December, 2016

On December 30 Tigran Mkrtchyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Estonia (residence in Vilnius), handled his credentials to Kersti Kaljulaid, President of the Republic of Estonia.

During the meeting following the credentials’ ceremony, Armenia-Estonia agenda issues were discussed. Ambassador Mkrtchyan briefed President Kaljulaid on the upcoming plans aimed at deepening of political dialogue, as well as enhancing of cultural cooperation and economic diplomacy.

The interlocutors also referred to the negotiations on the new Armenia-EU Framework Agreement, expressing hope that it will be signed in the near future.

The Armenian Ambassador also briefed the Estonian President on the military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh in April, its consequences, as well as the war crimes committed against the civilians, underlining that the official Baku ignores the efforts of the mediators and refuses to implement the agreements reached in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs in Vienna and Saint Petersburg.

President Kaljulaid, in her turn, expressed readiness to share with Armenia the Estonian experience in the IT sphere.  

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