Ambassador Mkrtchyan’s meetings in the Estonian legislative and executive bodies

21 December, 2016

On December 21 Tigran Mkrtchyan, Armenia’s Ambassador in Estonia (residence in Vilnius), met Eiki Nestor, Speaker of the Riigikogu of the Republic of Estonia.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented the Speaker of Riigikogu the prospective spheres of cooperation between the two countries. In that context, the activation of the cooperation in the format of inter-parliamentary friendship group was highlighted. Speaker Nestor in his turn emphasized the development of cooperation with Armenia in the framework of the Eastern Partnership.

The interlocutors touched upon a number of projects in economic and cultural spheres.

On the same day Ambassador Mkrtchyan met Marko Mihkelson, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Riigikogu.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented his interlocutor the consequences of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh in early April, as well as the destructive behavior of Azerbaijan in the international platforms.

At the request of Marko Mihkelson, Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented the foreign political developments of Armenia.

Both sides highlighted the activation of the bilateral inter-parliamentary cooperation, as well as the necessity of mutual visits on various levels.

Afterwards, Ambassador Mkrtchyan met the representatives of the Estonian Foreign Ministry, headed by Martin Roger, head of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Division.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented his interlocutors the details of the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh in April, as well as official Baku's ongoing destructive behavior and anti-Armenian propaganda and rhetoric at the highest level.

The interlocutors also touched upon the negotiations on the new framework agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia. In his turn, Martin Roger mentioned that Estonia supports the ongoing process of visa liberalization between the Armenia and the EU.

During the meeting a number of regional and international issues were touched upon.

The same day, Ambassador Mkrtchyan met Indrek Saar, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Estonia. The interlocutors touched upon bilateral cultural cooperation and discussed a number of projects aimed at deepening them.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented a number of preparatory works of outlined cultural events, exhibitions, festivals, film screening. Minister Saar stressed with satisfaction the active role of the Armenian community in Estonia's cultural sphere.

Both sides stressed the necessity of holding cultural events more frequently, and in this context the importance of mutual visits was emphasized.

During the meeting of the same day with Ainar Ruussaar, Member of the Board of Estonian Public Television, Ambassador Mkrtchyan discussed the prospects of development of cooperation between Armenian and the Estonian Public Television. 

Ambassador Mkrtchyan had a meeting with the representatives of Armenian community of Estonia. A number of important issues for the community were discussed with Razmik Ivanyan, President of the Union of Armenians of Estonia and other representatives of the community.

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