Ambassador Mkrtchyan’s meeting with the Foreign Minister of Estonia

22 December, 2016

In the framework of his visit to Estonia Tigran Mkrtchyan, the Ambassador of Armenia to Estonia (residence in Vilnius) met Sven Mikser, Foreign Minister of Estonia.

During the meeting the sides touched upon the perspectives of further expanding and deepening of Armenian-Estonian bilateral political, economic, cultural relations. The necessity and importance of high level visits were mutually underlined.

Talking about the Artsakh issue Ambassador Mkrtchyan presented to his interlocutor the continuously destructive behavior of official Baku, anti-Armenian propaganda conducted on top level, as well as the occasional violations of ceasefire regime by Azerbaijan on the line of contact.

Foreign Minister Mikser reaffirmed Estonia’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, expressing support to OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ efforts aimed at a peaceful settlement of the issue. The Minister also highlighted that the clashes on border areas and line of contact can not have any positive impact on the resolution of the issue.

The sides discussed the process of negotiations over Armenia-EU new framework agreement.

Minister Mikser referred to Estonia’s achievements in information technologies (ITs) and noted that Estonia is ready to share its experience with Armenia.

During the meeting a number of regional and international issues were touched upon.  

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