Ambassador Mkrtchyan’s meeting with Lithuania’s Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis

11 January, 2017

Tigran Mkrtchyan, Armenia’s Ambassador to Lithuania, met Saulius Skvernelis, Prime Minister of Lithuania, on January 11.

The Prime Minister highly commended the progress achieved in economic cooperation and highlighted that there is a big potential to develop ties in cultural, educational, scientific and other areas.

Ambassador Mkrtchyan underlined that compared to previous years the bilateral trade turnover has significantly increased, expressing Armenia’s willingness to develop relations with Lithuania in various fields.

The Ambassador added that economic diplomacy is one of the priorities of the Armenian government.

The interlocutors touched upon the work of the Armenian-Lithuanian Intergovernmental Commission. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis noted of the necessity to hold the upcoming meeting of the Commission in 2017, emphasizing that Lithuania is fully supporting the further deepening of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Armenia. 

The sides also discussed the ongoing negotiations over Armenia-EU Framework Agreement, as well as the perspectives of visa liberalization process.

At the end of the meeting Lithuania’s Prime Minister requested the Ambassador to convey his best regards to the Prime Minister of Armenia, simultaneously positively reacting to the invitation by Karen Karapetyan, Prime Minister of Armenia, to visit Armenia in the near future. 

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