Concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China

14 January, 2017

On January 14, the concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and People's Republic of China was held at the Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Alexander Spendiaryan with participation of China Gansu Dance Troupe.

Members of the Government of Armenia, deputies of the National Assembly, Ambassadors accredited in Yerevan, representatives of cultural and social sector attended the event. In his welcoming remarks, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, particularly, mentioned.

I am pleased to welcome you all at this beautiful event, dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China.
Taking this opportunity, I also would like to congratulate everyone on past holidays as well as the friendly people of China on the occasion of the upcoming Chinese New Year.

Although the diplomatic relations between our two countries were established only a quarter of a century ago, the Armenian-Chinese ties have centuries-old roots. Armenian historians of 5th and 7th centuries Movses Khorenatsi and Anania Shirakatsi have written about the Armenian-Chinese relations in their works. And today our two countries, based on traditional ties, goodwill and mutual respect, continue to develop interstate relations and cooperation in various fields.

Over the past 25 years due to joint and persistent work we managed to achieve a significant progress in our bilateral relations. A high level political dialogue has been established between Armenia and China, trade and economic relations are being expanded.

During last years we have intensified bilateral high-level reciprocal visits. Among them I would like to underline the State visit of the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to China in 2015, when during the meeting with President Xi Jinping important agreements have been reached aimed at deepening and strengthening of cooperation between our two countries.

Just recently, in June last year the official visit of the first-ranked Vice Premier and a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China Mr. Zhang Gaoli to Armenia took place.

I had an honor to welcome my Chinese colleague in Armenia and I also recall with particular warmth my visits to China.

Armenia and China are effectively cooperating in the framework of international organizations. At the same time the inter-parliamentary exchanges and decentralized cooperation have intensified.

Armenia highly values assistance by the Government of China, directed towards the modernization and development of different areas of Armenian economy.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This concert, dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China, co-organized by the Ministries of culture of our two countries, symbolizes the exclusively warm attitude that our two ancient nations have towards each other’s rich culture. Throughout this year numerous events will be held also in China; concerts, exhibitions, issuance of commemorative postmarks and envelopes etc.

Today, with the opening of the series of events dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, we can state with assuredness that we have achieved significant results in developing and strengthening our bilateral relations over the last quarter of a century. I am confident that even bigger achievements are waiting for us in the future, which will open new bright pages in the history of a centuries-old friendship between Armenian and Chinese peoples.

Thank You!”

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