Political Consultations in Tokyo between Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Japan

03 February, 2017

On February 3, regular political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Japan were held at the Foreign Ministry of Japan.

The Armenian side was headed by Armen Papikyan, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, and the Japanese side was headed by Toshihiro Aiki, the Special Representative for Middle East and Caucasus issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

The sides discussed broad range of issues concerning bilateral relations. They attached importance to the prospects of high-level mutual visits, intensification of the economic cooperation, prospects of extending of the legal base, cooperation within international organisations. Views were exchanged on the current situation in the Middle East, Asian and Pacific regions and the resolution processes thereof, as well as on various issues of the international agenda.

The Armenian side presented in details the steps made by the Government of the Republic of Armenia aimed at encouraging investments and the benefits of investing in Armenia. The Japanese side, in its turn, promised to discuss the possibilities of making investments in Armenia. The sides commended the projects being implemented in Armenia by the Government of Japan through the International cooperation agency of Japan, and discussed in this context other prospective initiatives.

The agreement was reached to continue discussions both within bilateral and international organizations’ frameworks.

The Armenian side presented also its approaches to the resolution process of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and commended the balanced stance of Japan in this regard.

The issues related to expanding and promoting cultural and educational programmes were discussed.

Both sides emphasized the importance of the Armenian-Japanese inter-parliamentary effective cooperation and, in this context, highly appreciated the results of the visit of the delegation of the National Assembly of Armenia, headed by Galust Sahakyan, the Chairman of the National Assembly, to Japan from January 29 to February 3.  

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