Annual Report of the activity of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Armenia in 2016 was summarised

07 February, 2017

The discussion on the activities accomplished in 2016 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia as well as on the implementation of 2016 Plan of Action and Programme and priority tasks of the Government of Armenia took place in the Government under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan.

Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia, presented the results of the implementation of the priority tasks and the plan of actions of 2016 and noted, in particular, that in 2016 the Ministry, based on the foreign policy guidelines outlined by the President of the Republic of Armenia and his assignments, as well as based on the programme of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, continued its activities aimed at strengthening of the country's external security component, providing favorable external conditions and guaranties for the development of the country, development of mutually beneficial cooperation with friendly and partner countries, deepening of the involvement within international organizations and processes, increasing of the number of Armenia’s friends on different continents, strengthening Armenia’s reputation and position at the international arena.

The activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia were also aimed at developing active cooperation with international and regional economic and financial institutions, protecting the interests of the Republic of Armenia and its citizens abroad, preserving Armenian cultural heritage, implementing the initiatives directed towards setting of a positive agenda in international relations and the initiatives derived from our interests, as well as coordination of foreign relations related activities of state executive bodies.

Foreign Minister Nalbandian informed that in 2017 the Foreign Ministry will continue its foreign political course with the purpose of further strengthening of the external security of the Republic of Armenia, providing favorable external conditions for the development, the utmost engagement in the world and regional processes, developing and strengthening bilateral and multilateral relations with friendly and partner countries, ensuring active participation within international organizations.

Prime Minister Karapetyan inquired about process of implementation of the instructions on economic activity, given to the accredited in foreign countries Ambassadors of the Republic of Armenia, at same time asking the following question: “Do our ambassadors have full command of information concerning trade turnover, financial flows and investments? Do they have the task as to what specific products they should present to which investor and business structure?” The head of the Executive instructed to submit to the Government Administration an analysis on the results of the economic activity of diplomatic representations of the Republic of Armenia. Karen Karapetyan noted the importance of using the potential of the Diaspora for increasing the trade turnover and attracting investments.

Foreign Minister informed the Prime Minister that the amount of obligations of the Foreign Ministry in respect of state duties were set by the 2016 budget at 2 billion 006.7 thousand dram /4 billion 129.0 thousand US dollar), whereas in fact 2 billion 108.7 thousand dram /4 million 338.0 thousand US dollar/ were collected. Thus, ensuring the performance index of 105.1%. During the last year the Government of the Republic of Armenia sent 397 instructions with deadlines to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, which have been all done. 

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