25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Syria

06 March, 2017

On March 6, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, and Walid al Muallem, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Syria, exchanged messages on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Syrian Arab Republic.

Edward Nalbandian in his message notes, that the friendly relations between the two ancient peoples, Armenians and Syrians, have withstood the test of time and are built on a solid basis of mutual respect and confidence. Foreign Minister of Armenia emphasizes that the Armenian people will never forget the profound human compassion that the people of Syria have shown when they gave shelter to the survivors of the Armenian Genocide.

Edward Nalbandian in his message highlights that from the very beginning of the Syrian crisis Armenia constantly voices in various international fora the importance of ensuring peace and security in Syria, condemns the terrorism and provides within its capabilities humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people.

Edward Nalbandian, recalling on the occasion of this remarkable jubilee the successes of the Armenian-Syrian cooperation, expresses confidence that further expansion and deepening of cooperation can be achieved through joint efforts for the well-being of the two friendly peoples.

Walid al Muallem in his message says that the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Syria embodies the historical ties of the Syrian and Armenian peoples and indicates the will to develop the relations in political, economic, social and cultural spheres.

Minister Muallem emphasizes that Syria, its political leadership, government and people, appreciate the favorable positions of friendly Armenia toward the terrorist aggression against Syria. Foreign Minister of Syria notes that one of the sides that today commits aggression against the Syrian people is the same side that committed the Genocide against the Armenian people, that the policy of that side is based on personal power and sultanistic empty dreams, which is condemned to fail and will have the worst consequences for the aggressor.

Walid al Muallem adds that Syria, which is now having victories over the terrorists, is confident that the friends who stood next to them during the aggression will also help restoring the destructions inflicted by the terrorism. This is an exclusive opportunity for developing the collaboration between our two countries in all spheres.

Edward Nalbandian congratulating his Syrian colleague on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations wishes to the friendly Syrian people to achieve peace and well-being as soon as possible.

Walid al Muallem congratulating Edward Nalbandian on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries wishes to Armenia development and prosperity.

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