Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Greece

10 March, 2017

On March 10, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, had a meeting with Nikos Kotzias, Foreign Minister of Greece, who was in Armenia with an official visit.

The negotiations started in a tête-à-tête format, followed by talks with the participation of delegations.

Greeting his Greek counterpart, Minister Nalbandian noted that regular mutual visits and interactions further strengthen the cooperation between the two countries and peoples and provide an opportunity for reaching agreements on further strengthening of relations.

During the meeting Ministers Nalbandian and Kotzias discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral and multilateral agenda.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Greece shared the view that the current level of cooperation between the two states falls behind the warm friendly ties and centuries old deep mutual sympathy that exist between our nations.

Edward Nalbandian and Nikos Kotzias touched upon the enhancement of cooperation in political, trade and economic, military-technical, education, science, culture and other areas.

At the meeting the Armenia-European Union relations, as well as the outcomes of the visit of the President of Armenia to Brussels were discussed.

Urgent regional and international problems and the ways of their settlement were on the agenda of the negotiations. The Ministers discussed the issues related to the fight against international terrorism, as well as to migration flows.

The sides touched upon the efforts to resolve the Cyprus conflict. Minister Kotzias informed of the latest developments in that process.

Edward Nalbandian briefed on the situation in the process of resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the joint efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries towards the advancement of the conflict settlement.

It was mutually emphasized that the existing conflicts have no military solution and that they should be resolved within the agreed formats.

At the end of the meeting the Ministers signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic on cooperation in the field of education and training of diplomatic personnel.

Afterwards, Edward Nalbandian and Nikos Kotzias held a joint press conference.

The two Ministers visited Yerevan State University, where the Foreign Minister of Greece delivered a lecture.

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