25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Italy

20 March, 2017

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Angelino Alfano exchanged letters on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Italy.

In his message Edward Nalbandian notes that during past quarter of a century the partnership between our countries have steadily developed in line with the spirit of friendship and understanding, which have enabled us to register visible achievements in different areas. Minister Nalbandian recalls the considerable number of legal documents signed between two countries which constitute a solid basis for our relations. The Foreign Minister of Armenia underlines that our bilateral agenda includes high level political dialogue and a mutually beneficial cooperation in economic, cultural, educational and other fields. It also involves the parliamentary dimension and people to people contacts. Edward Nalbandian touches upon the joint efforts of Armenia and Italy towards peace and security within the general command of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

Minister Nalbandian emphasizes that as nations with rich cultural and historical heritage we have a positive record of cooperation in the field of restoration of monuments. He believes that the inauguration of a new Center for preservation and restoration of cultural heritage in Armenia will be another success story of the Armenian-Italian cooperation.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia underlines the role of the Armenian community in Italy which have contributed for centuries to the development of Italy and today as well continue to have a considerable input in the promotion of our bilateral ties.

Edward Nalbandian notes that Armenia values its strong friendly relations with Italy and expresses confidence that with joint efforts we will be able to raise our partnership to a higher level. The Foreign Minister of Armenia adds that the recent agreement on the inception of the Armenian-Italian intergovernmental committee, the first session of which will convene shortly, will serve best to this purpose.

Minister Nalbandian wishes Minister Alfano and the people of Italy prosperity and progress.

In his message Angelino Alfano, while congratulating on this important occasion which reaffirms the significance of historic ties, notes at the same time that those relations were vibrant already back in 18th century, when the Armenian community, which had great importance, was hosted in Saint Lazarus island in Venice.

The Foreign Minister of Italy emphasizes that during past quarter of a century Italy and Armenia have managed to build more dynamic and fruitful relations in political, economic, cultural and public fields. Minister Alfano notes that the first session of the intergovernmental committee on the Armenian-Italian economic cooperation will be held in Rome soon. It will be an opportunity for combining rich and distinct partnership and an incentive to seek innovative means to give a maximum dynamism to our relations, so that they can develop with full potential.

The Foreign Ministry underlines that during these years we have been able to rely on mutual support in issues related to beneficial cooperation between our civil societies. The strong and integrated Armenian presence in Italy has gained an exceptional importance, that further deepened the friendship between our nations.

Angelino Alfano also touches upon the 60th anniversary of signing of the Treaties of Rome, the first and basic milestone on the way of European integration. The Foreign Minister of Italy stresses that while acknowledging the role of the European Union in guaranteeing the peace and prosperity on the continent, we continue to strongly support the intensification of relations between Yerevan and the EU through the means and ways that reflect the priorities and choice of Armenia as well as fundamental principles of partnership with Brussels. Minister Alfano believes that constructive dialogue with the EU will ensure a favorable framework for new initiatives in bilateral field as well.

Expressing confidence that in coming years the bilateral relations will become stronger and more positive, Minister Alfano wishes Minister Nalbandian and the people of Armenia welfare and prosperity.

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