Reception dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Republic of Armenia and People’s Republic of China

05 April, 2017

On April 5, Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, participated at the reception dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China. Gagik Harutyunyan, President of the Constitutional Court, members of the Government, deputies of the National Assembly, heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Armenia attended the event.

During the event a ceremony of cancellation of commemorative postage envelopes dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations was held.

Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia and Tian Erlong, Ambassador of China to Armenia delivered welcoming remarks.

In his remarks dedicated to 25th anniversary of relations Minister Nalbandian, particularly, noted:

"I extend my congratulations on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China. This significant anniversary is celebrated by a number of solemn events to be organised in our two countries throughout the whole year reflecting the high level of quarter of a century old robust and friendly Armenian-Chinese relations.

Indeed, the ties between our two peoples are much more ancient and the previous quarter of a century is merely an instant in the millennial history of our bilateral multifaceted interactions. For centuries the Armenian people revered the peace-loving and genial people and civilization of China, as great historian Khorenatsi described them.

On this solid foundation our interstate relations are built, since they have been launched on April 6, 1992. As the Chinese proverb goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Taking a retrospective view at the relations between the Republic of Armenia and the People’s Republic of China, we should state with satisfaction that we firmly move forward along the path of cooperation continuously enriching it with numerous memorable events.

We have a successful high-level political dialogue, close cooperation in the international fora, a broad legal framework. Our economic cooperation is expanding, interparliamentary, decentralized, cultural, scientific and educational ties are developing.

Without a doubt, all these achievements are anchored in the agreements reached by leaders of Armenia and China aimed at the expansion and deepening of our multifaceted and multilayered cooperation, as well as the result of continuously exerted mutual efforts and effective joint steps in directions outlined by them. In this context, I would like to especially emphasise the state visit of Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia, to China in March 2015 and the meeting with President Xi Jinping.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The eternal nature of the Armenian-Chinese friendship does not need any proofs. Today, while taking stock of the significant journey of the previous quarter of a century, we add a new page in the chronicle of bilateral relations, and I am confident, that with joint efforts we will register new achievements for the benefit of a century-old friendship of our countries and peoples."

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