Meeting of Foreign Minister of Armenia and Vice President of India

25 April, 2017

On April 25, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, met Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Vice President of India, Chairman of the Upper House of the Parliament who is in Yerevan on an official visit.

The interlocutors recalled with warmth the meeting in New Delhi in 2010 and noted with satisfaction the continuously developing cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats.

Vice President of India and Foreign Minister of Armenia touched upon the steps to be undertaken for the purpose of deepening the political dialogue and the economic ties, namely the intensification of contacts between businessmen, further deepening of collaboration in the spheres of high technologies, education, culture, agriculture, health, the expansion of the legal framework. In this context an importance was attached to the bilateral documents signed today.

The head of the MFA of the Republic of Armenia briefed the Vice President of India on the positions of Armenia on a number of regional issues and the ways of their settlement.

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