25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Switzerland

30 April, 2017

Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian and Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Didier Burkhalter exchanged letters on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Swiss Confederation.

Edward Nalbandian notes in his message that during the quarter of a century the two countries have built excellent relations and have established close cooperation in various areas. Foreign Minister of Armenia underlines that the Armenian-Swiss political dialogue has been strengthened due to the reciprocal establishment of diplomatic representations, numerous high-level visits, close collaboration within international organisations, including the United Nations Organisation, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the International Organisation of la Francophonie, as well as the intensive activity of parliamentary friendship groups.

Edward Nalbandian notes that Armenia appreciates Switzerland’s resolute and continuous support to the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through an exclusively peaceful means.

Foreign Minister of Armenia highlights Switzerland’s support to various development projects being implemented in Armenia and commends the contribution of Swiss Armenians to the economic, cultural life of the two countries and the development of the Armenian-Swiss friendship.

Concluding the letter, Edward Nalbandian expresses confidence that the friendly relations and cooperation between Armenia and Switzerland will be further improved due to joint efforts.

Didier Burkhalter highlighted in his letter the deep friendly ties connecting Armenia and Switzerland and the significant development of cooperation between the two countries during the last twenty five years. He attaches an importance to the opening of the embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Yerevan in 2011 in the presence of the Presidents of the two countries. The head of the Foreign Ministry of Switzerland makes a special reference to the the signing with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia on February 29, 2016, of the Agreement on Entry Visa Facilitation between the two countries.

Didier Burkhalter touches upon the achievements registered in the bilateral economic sphere, noting the leading role of Switzerland among foreign direct investors in Armenia, as well as the cooperation in the science and research area. He attaches an importance to the role of the inter-parliamentary cooperation, bilateral trade relations and the various organisations and funds in the development of Armenian-Swiss multifaceted relations.

Federal Councillor notes that the bilateral relations have a huge development potential, especially in the spheres of economy and tourism. Meanwhile, he expresses a hope that the projects to be implemented in the South Caucasus within the 2017-2020 development strategy of Switzerland will further strengthen the partnership with Armenia in the development area.

Didier Burkhalter expresses confidence that the summit of la Francophonie to be held in Yerevan in 2018 will provide an opportunity to discover the beauty, rich history and the legendary hospitality of Armenia.

Concluding his letter, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the people of Switzerland wishes to the Armenian people a peaceful and prosperous future.

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