Foreign Minister of Armenia attended the Europe Day Concert

06 May, 2017

On May 6, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, attended the Concert of the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra at the Aram Khachaturyan Concert Hall, titled “Europe for Peace” and dedicated to Europe Day. The concert was organized by the EU Delegation in Armenia.

In his welcoming remarks, Minister Nalbandian said.

“Mr. Ambassador,
Dear friends,

I congratulate you on the occasion of Europe Day and express my thanks to the EU Delegation in Armenia for organizing this concert.

Since its independence Armenia have built a strong relations with the EU, based on efficient cooperation and mutual respect.

With the assistance of the EU we have implemented reforms in a number of sectors, most notably in the public administration, justice, electoral system, and many others, that are aimed at the strengthening the fundamental freedoms and welfare of our society. Many joint programmes are still in the implementation stage, many will be implemented in the future. We highly value people to people contacts and attach great importance to the projects that bring our societies closer.

It is noteworthy, that the current year began with a quite intensive european agenda. President of Armenia and President of the European Council announced the end of the negotiation process of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement in Brussels, in February, and already in March it was initialed in Yerevan. It is a document that reflects the essence and the depth of the Armenia-EU cooperation.

In coming days, we will endorse the Armenia-EU Partnership Priorities for 2017-2020, that will set new guidelines for our cooperation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After the victory over the Nazism in the Second World War, Europe has become a criteria of peace, solidarity and sustainable development anchored on universal values that up to now serves as an example for many. Europe Day signifies exactly this high value system that we pay a special tribute by celebrating tonight.

Happy Europe Day!”

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