Heads of missions of the European countries, accredited in Canada, led by Ambassador Yeganian, met with the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada

15 May, 2017

On May 15th, the Ambassadors of the European countries, accredited in Canada, led by Armen Yeganian, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Canada, in his capacity as the Dean of the Europe Group, met with the Honourable Geoff Regan, the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada.

The agenda of the meeting included issues related to bilateral cooperation of each of the countries with Canada, as well as questions concerning trade, migration and refugees.

In his remarks Ambassador Yeganian touched upon Armenia’s experience of accepting refugees and giving them shelter. The Ambassador highlighted the fact that around 20000 refugees from Syria sought protection in Armenia, which on a per capita basis makes our country the third largest recipient of Syrian refugees in Europe.

The Ambassador also presented recent developments in the Armenian-Canadian relations and spoke about future projects. Sides also took note of the upcoming Summit of La Francophonie in Armenia in 2018.

During the meeting, an agenda for future meetings was outlined.

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