Foreign Minister of Armenia received the President of Goethe-Institute Germany

01 June, 2017

On June 1, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, received Prof. Dr. H.C. Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, the President of the Goethe-Institute Germany.

Edward Nalbandian highly appreciated Armenian-German multifaceted relationship, and highlighted the importance of establishing a Goethe-Institute centre in Armenia, which will create broad opportunities for expanding the educational and cultural cooperation.

During the meeting, Prof. Lehmann presented to Minister Nalbandian his plans on opening the branch of Goethe-Institute in Armenia.

Reference: The Goethe-Institute in Germany was founded in 1951. It is considered to be the most significant cultural institute in Germany, main purpose of which is promoting German language abroad and developing international cultural cooperation. The Goethe-Institute has 159 centres worldwide in more than 100 countries. 

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