First session of Armenian-Italian Intergovernmental Commission was held in Rome

07 June, 2017

On June 7, in Rome, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandian and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy Angelino Alfano opened the inaugural session of the Armenian-Italian Intergovernmental Commission.

The agreement on convening of Intergovernmental Commission was reached last year, during the visit of Italy’s former Foreign Minister and current Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni to Armenia, at his meeting with Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian.

From the Armenian side the commission is comprised of Deputy Foreign Minister Garen Nazarian, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Armen Harutyunyan, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies Arman Khachatryan, Deputy Minister of Culture Arev Samuelyan, as well as senior officials of various ministries.

Following the first session of the Armenian-Italian Intergovernmental Commission, a protocol was adopted.

In his remarks at the opening ceremony, Minister Nalbandian said:

"I am honored to co-chair the first meeting of the Armenian-Italian Intergovernmental Commission. I would like to welcome all participants and wish fruitful and productive deliberations.

I certainly share the views expressed by Minister Alfano and would like to complement with some thoughts.

Needless to say that this commission could play a vital role in future expansion and strengthening of Armenian-Italian relations. As we mark this year the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Italy, we can undoubtedly highlight a number of achievements ranging from high level political dialogue to the economic cooperation, partnership in cultural, academic and many other fields.

The necessity of boosting our trade, economic and sectoral cooperation has always stood high on our agenda. It is very important that during last year's visit to Armenia of His Excellency Paolo Gentiloni, in his capacity as the Foreign Minister, we together agreed on the establishment of this format, and I am particularly pleased that today we are holding this meeting.

The convening of the Armenian-Italian intergovernmental commission is a momentous event, and it will definitely open new horizons in our economic ties, contributing to deepening our partnership in different areas, such as Information and communication technologies, infrastructure development, energy, services, machinery, agriculture and food processing, as well as encouraging decentralised cooperation, opportunities for the advancement of interaction in education, culture, tourism, and other fields.

International experience proves that this is a very practical forum which will reveal new opportunities for enhancing bilateral trade and economic ties on a regular basis, also facilitating the intergovernmental contacts as well as creating more conducive environment full of opportunities for mutual investments.

We participate at this meeting with an interagency team, with the intention of taking full advantage of the opportunities provided by this platform.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are looking forward to sign this fall at the EU Eastern Partnership Summit in Brussels the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, between Armenia and the European Union, which defines the framework for dynamic trade and economic relations as well as expanded sectoral cooperation.

The EU - Armenia partnership provides good framework for further enhancement of bilateral cooperation with the EU member states. And we are keen to utilise this opportunity for deepening our bonds with Italy.

I hope that the Intergovernmental Commission in the course of its activities will also make use of the advantages that Armenia's membership to the Eurasian Economic Union can offer.

I am confident that the Business Forum to be held today, within the margins of this Commission, will provide both sides with ample opportunities to further develop our bilateral trade and economic agenda through business-to-business contacts.

We get off to a good start today, that will undoubtedly solidify the centuries-long Armenian-Italian friendship and add to the prosperity of our nations.

On behalf of the Armenian delegation I would like to thank our Italian partners for hosting this event and wish a very productive day."

On the results of the Session, the following documents were signed:

  • Protocol of the First Session of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Italian Republic;
  • Executive Program between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Italian Republic on cultural, educational and scientific cooperation for the period 2017-2020;
  • Technical Agreement between the Haematology Center after Prof. R.Yeolyan CJSC of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia and Italian National Blood Centre (Centro Nazionale Sangue - CNS).


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