Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Italy

07 June, 2017

On June 7, in Rome, the meeting of Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, and Angelino Alfano, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, took place.

While greeting the Foreign Minister of Armenia, the head of the Italian Foreign Ministry noted that the two countries have a history of millennia long friendship, which serves as a strong basis for the further deepening and strengthening of cooperation in various fields: “I am confident that the past is the best foundation for building future, and this formula lies in the basis of our relations.”

The Ministers noted with satisfaction, that during the 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Italy, the two countries succeeded in building an active political dialogue and deepening the collaboration in different fields.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Italy discussed a wide range of issues of bilateral and multilateral agenda.

Edward Nalbandian and Angelino Alfano considered as an essential achievement the first session of the Armenian-Italian Intergovernmental Commission, held on the same day, expressing a confidence that it will give a new impetus to the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.

The perspectives of and the envisaged steps for the development of the relations between the two countries were discussed. The interlocutors touched upon the issues of strengthening the collaboration within the international organisations, expanding the legal framework, and holding regular consultations between Foreign Ministries.

The Ministers exchanged views on expanding the business ties between two countries, and highlighted in this regard the importance of the Business Forum held in Rome, with more than two hundred businessmen.

The importance of continuous strengthening of cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture and preservation of historical monument was underlined. In this context, the interlocutors valued the joint declaration on establishing in Armenia of a Regional Centre for Preserving and Restoring the cultural heritage, signed during the visit to Armenia of Paolo Gentiloni, the former Foreign Minister and the current Prime Minister of Italy.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Italy highlighted the importance of participation of Armenian peacekeepers within the Italian contingent in Lebanon, under the auspices of the UN.

The European Union-Armenia cooperation was also on the agenda of the meeting. Edward Nalbandian presented the results of his recent visit to Brussels, and the meeting of Armenia-European Union Cooperation Council. The sides highlighted the importance of singing of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the European Union anticipated this fall.

The interlocutors touched upon a number of urgent international and regional issues.

They exchanged views on the priorities of the Italian Chairmanship in OSCE next year, and the cooperation in the framework of the organization.

Edward Nalbandian presented the efforts undertaken by Armenia and the OSCE Co-Chair countries towards exclusively peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Italy touched upon the developments in Middle East, Syria and Iraq, migration flows, fight of the international community against terrorism.

Edward Nalbandian and Angelino Alfano held joint press conference on the outcomes of the first session of the Armenian-Italian Intergovernmental Commission and negotiations.

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