Ambassador Hovhannissian’s Meetings in the Silicon Valley.

24 June, 2017

On June 23-24, Ambassador of Armenia to the United States Grigor Hovhannissian visited the Silicon Valley and the Bay area, where he held a number of meetings with the leading IT companies. Ambassador discussed the ways of enhancing the cooperation between the industry leaders and the Republic of Armenia in such areas as artificial intelligence, quantum systems and cyber security.

During his meeting with the management of “Nvidia” corporation Ambassador Hovhannissian learned of their latest products, which focus mainly on artificial intelligence and self-driving cars.

The representatives of “Accenture Liquid Studio” briefed Ambassador Hovhannissian on the main aspects of their work with the IT sphere startups, as well as demonstrated some of their latest innovations.

Ambassador Hovhannissian also met with a number of Armenian specialists who work in the Silicon Valley, participated in the round table organized by SYNOPSYS and the AGBU that brought together the representatives of academia and Silicon Valley based Armenian companies. At the meeting the issues related to developing of mechanisms for providing assistance to Armenian startups operating in the Silicon Valley, as well as organising regular trainings in Armenia by Armenian professionals of the Silicon Valley.

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